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29 Apr


I started choosing the twelve key words for the by analysing the current key words. I used tools available on the website. Unfortunately, most of the tools were not available for free trial users. The first tool I used was Keyword density tool. After typing analysed website in URL textbox, selected UK database and added historical data, the tool generated results that can be seen below:

Top 10 words on the website are: shoes, branded, next, shirts, footwear, accessories, boots, tops, shop and jeans.  The next step taken was investigation of the source code to find out current keywords which are as below:

<meta name=”keywords” content=”Next,,Next Directory,Next Flowers,Next Electrics,fashion,clothes,womens,mens,childrens,home,furniture”/>

It is very important to match keywords in source code witch keywords density on the website for the best SEO (search engine optimization).

The next tool used was ‘Research’ on the website. I again used UK database with historical data, and added ‘Related’ option. ‘Related’ option returns a list of keywords related to given keyword.

We can see above that for the keyword ‘fashion’, any other keyword has no more searches. In repeated research (results below) but with ‘Also Searched Queries – Sorted by user frequency’ for facebook, yahoo and hotmail, there are keyword that have more searched than fashion. They are: clothing (115 searches) and shopping (98), comparing to fashion (85).

I also used that tool for all keywords generated by keywords density tool and for keywords from source code. After analysing results, following keywords are the twelve chosen keywords:

  1. Next – the name of the company must be one of the keywords.
  2. – the name of the website also must be included.
  3. Next Directory – the name of the main service.
  4. Next Flowers – as above.
  5. Next Electrics – as above.
  6. Fashion – strongly related to the business, high result in search tool (85 searches).
  7. Clothing – as above. ‘Clothes’ keyword was considered as alternative but in research tool has only 33 searches comparing to clothing 115 searches.
  8. Shopping – high result in search tool (98 searches) and related to the business.
  9. Boots – high result in search tool (291 searches!!!) and one of the main product.
  10. Man – good result in search tool (59 searches) and many products are addressed to them.
  11. Woman – good result in search tool (51 searcher) and many products are addressed to them.
  12. Jeans – good result in search tool (58 searches) and one of the main product.

I would also recommend some changes in the website content. The keywords should appear often on the website, hence words from keywords from source code should match results from Keywords density tool.